Member Countries
The South Centre currently has 55 developing country Members coming from the three developing country regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. They include many of the biggest developing countries, middle-income developing countries, least-developed countries and small island developing states.
The Member Countries of the South Centre are:
Algeria | Ghana | Nicaragua |
Angola | Guyana | Nigeria |
Argentina | Honduras | Pakistan |
Barbados | India | Panama |
Benin | Indonesia | Philippines |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Seychelles |
Brazil | Iraq | Sierra Leone |
Burundi | Jamaica | South Africa |
Cabo Verde | Jordan | Sri Lanka |
Cambodia | Liberia | State of Libya |
China | Malawi | State of Palestine |
Colombia | Malaysia | Sudan |
Côte d’Ivoire | Mali | Suriname |
Cuba | Mauritius | Uganda |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Micronesia (Federated States of) | United Republic of Tanzania |
Dominican Republic | Morocco | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Ecuador | Mozambique | Viet Nam |
Egypt | Namibia | Zimbabwe |
Gabon |