The South Centre in the Media


Stakeholders engage to facilitate the implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through South-South cooperation

The United Nations, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and the South Centre co-hosted the event “South-South Cooperation in facilitating NDC implementation” during the 48th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). Held in Bonn, this event convened member states, international organizations, and inter-governmental agencies to highlight climate actions through South-South cooperation and technology collaboration, in the context of NDC implementation.

United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSCC)

14 May 2018

Available at: 


How can observers contribute and support countries to complete the work programme of the Paris Agreement?

Interview of South Centre Deputy Executive Director Vicente Yu

UNFCCC Climate Action Studio SB48

30 April 2018

Available at:


Manuel Montes on the Connection Between Populism and Globalization

Manuel Montes, Senior Advisor on Finance and Development, South Centre, New York, comments on the connection between populism and globalisation. He says that many populations feel disadvantaged worldwide. There needs to be a greater level of cooperation between countries over how international trade is organised. Members of the international community need to agree on some minimum rules, so that local populations are protected as well as national companies.

DOC Research Institute

7 April 2017

Available at:


The role of BRICS in multilateralism  and South-South cooperation

Interview of Deputy Executive Director Vice Yu regarding the BRICS Summit


6 September 2017

Available at:


Martin Khor on intellectual property, climate change and developing countries 

Executive Director of the South Centre Martin Khor talking about the intergovernmental agency’s work on climate change and IP. (video)

Intellectual Property Watch

12 March 2010

Available at:


Les pays en développement seront les plus touchés en cas de guerre commerciale (économiste)

Entretien avec Martin Khor


9 Août 2017

Available at:


Trade war would hit developing and poor countries hardest: economist

Interview with Martin Khor


7 August 2017

Available at:


Interview with the South Centre’s Executive Director Martin Khor on the International Financial Crisis from a Southern Perspective


24 July 2017

Available at:


Catalyzing the Implementation of NDCs in the Context of the 2030 Agenda through South-South Cooperation

Video interview of Vicente Yu at 01:52

IISD Reporting Services

10 May 2017

Available at:


La política climática mundial en vilo


El Telégrafo

10 Mayo 2017

Available at:


Un traité pour réorienter l’industrie pharmaceutique
Vers une recherche sans brevets


Face à la cupidité des laboratoires pharmaceutiques, un projet de traité international cherche à découpler le coût de la recherche et le prix des médicaments, afin de faciliter la découverte de remèdes efficaces et accessibles aux populations qui en ont le plus besoin.Même lorsqu’elles ne sont pas solvables. Certains mécanismes permettent d’ores et déjà d’orienter la recherche vers les maladies endémiques au Sud.

Le Monde diplomatique

Avril 2013

Available at:


SC verdict on Glivec has positive global implications: South Centre

The South Centre, an intergovernmental organisation of developing countries, has welcomed the recent ruling by the Supreme Court, dismissing the petition from Novartis on Glivec and has termed the verdict as a historic decision with positive global implications.

6 April 2013

Available at:


South Centre hails Indian drug patent decision

From SOUTHNEWS, by Martin Khor:

“The ruling by the Supreme Court of India dismissing the petition from Novartis AG is a historic decision with positive global implications … The Novartis AG application had claimed a patent for a new salt form (imatinib mesylate), a medicine for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. Novartis sells this medicine in several countries under the brand name Glivec (Gleevec). The Indian patent office had rejected the patent application on the ground that the claimed new form was anticipated in a US patent of 1996 for the compound imatinib and that the new form did not enhance the therapeutic efficacy of the drug. The decision was upheld by the Indian Patents Appellate Board (IPAB).

The decision by the Supreme Court of India has significant positive global implications. It has effectively protected the leading role of India in supplying affordable medicines to other developing countries. The reaffirmation of the primacy of health and access to medicines as a right of citizens is particularly important for the international community when these rights are under significant threat under bilateral trade and investment agreements.”

Naked Keynesianism

3 April 2013

Available at:


Indian court rejects Novartis patent

German Velasquez, a special adviser for health and development at South Centre, a think tank based in Geneva, Switzerland, says he hopes that “many developing countries will follow India’s example to protect the rights of their populations to have access to essential medicines”. A 2011 study by South Centre found evidence of “a significant proliferation of patents on developments of incremental nature” in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, India and South Africa.


1 April 2013

Available at: