Combatting overcompliance with unilateral coercive measures – Discussions from South Centre Consultation
By Yuefen Li and Danish
In view of the severe negative impacts of unilateral coercive measures (UCMs) on targeted countries and the international community, and at the request of South Centre Member States, the South Centre organized a meeting on 18 November 2024 with the participation of senior diplomats from a number of developing countries, several of whom have been targeted by UCMs. The meeting focused on the trends and main drivers of overcompliance with UCMs among multinational firms and financial institutions, and the strategies that can be employed to mitigate overcompliance, especially in relation to humanitarian exemptions.
South Centre Statement – 10th Session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights
16 December 2024
South Centre is participating in the 10th Session of the OEIGWG for a Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights, starting this week at the Palais des Nations in UN Geneva.
South Centre addressed the OEIGWG, emphasising on the need for a strong treaty to ensure access to remedies for victims of human rights violations; hold businesses accountable across jurisdictions; and ensure a just transition & digital transformation.
South Centre is committed to supporting the work of the OEIGWG.
Statement by the South Centre at the 2024 Social Forum of the Human Rights Council
31 October 2024
At the Human Rights Council Social Forum, South Centre Senior Programme Officer Abdul Muheet Chowdhary presented key international tax reform inputs to the upcoming Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) for “The Contribution Of Financing For Development To The Advancement Of All Human Rights For All”.
Statement to the 10th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development
28 October 2024
The South Centre is participating in the 10th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development at UN Geneva, exploring innovative solutions for the full realization of the Right to Development in the Global South.
Knocking Down Business-related Human Rights Abuses with a Feather: Is the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive Sufficient to Tackle Corporate Impunity?
By Daniel Uribe
In April 2024, the European Parliament approved the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), aiming to ensure that European firms and their partners uphold human rights and environmental standards in their supply chains. This Directive applies to large EU and non-EU companies, with a phased implementation starting in 2027. The CSDDD mandates the integration of due diligence in corporate policies and the development of transition plans aligned with the Paris Agreement. Despite these advancements, the Directive’s scope and civil liability provisions are limited to effectively hold corporations accountable for human rights abuses. The ongoing negotiations on an International Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights offer an opportunity to adopt common standards on due diligence and jurisdiction to improve access to justice and remedies for victims of corporate-related abuses.
Cuba should be immediately removed from the List of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism
South Centre Statement
13 June 2024
The United States of America Department of State maintains Cuba on a list that designates states that supposedly “sponsor” terrorism.
The South Centre notes with concern the continued inclusion of the Republic of Cuba on such a List, which identifies governments that actively support violent non-state actors involved in terrorist activities.
Statement to the 25th Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Development
South Centre
13 – 17 May 2024
The 25th Session of the UN Working Group on RtD is taking place at UN Geneva this week. Realizing the human right to development supports the achievement of the 2030Agenda and the enjoyment of all human rights.
Contribución del Centro Sur al Informe del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas sobre la aplicación de la Resolución A/RES/78/7 de la Asamblea General sobre la “Necesidad de poner fin al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por los Estados Unidos de América contra Cuba”
Esta contribución del Centro Sur se presenta en respuesta a la solicitud del Secretario General como un aporte al informe del Secretario General de acuerdo a la resolución A/RES/78/7, con respecto a la imposición de medidas económicas, financieras y comerciales unilaterales por parte de los Estados Unidos de América, contra Cuba, en violación de los principios básicos de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas.
Leveraging ESG for promoting Responsible Investment and Human Rights
By Danish and Daniel Uribe
The growing integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into investment frameworks and corporate reporting reflects a heightened recognition of the interplay between business operations and human rights. This Policy Brief examines the evolution of ESG investing, particularly its role in promoting responsible investment and embedding human rights considerations throughout business practices and supply chains. While ESG frameworks hold promise for enhancing corporate accountability and sustainability, challenges persist in effectively linking ESG criteria with human rights standards. It also shows that disparities in ESG reporting criteria and methodologies, compounded by a lack of shared understanding, pose obstacles to meaningful engagement with human rights responsibilities. The Policy Brief also delineates between ESG investing and reporting, highlighting distinct objectives and practices. While ESG investing aims to mitigate financial risks associated with environmental, social, and governance factors, ESG reporting focuses on evaluating firms’ exposure to ESG risks. The Policy Brief underscores the limitations of ESG frameworks in identifying and preventing human rights impacts comprehensively, emphasising the need for complementary measures such as mandatory human rights due diligence. Finally, the paper considers the need for greater coherence and consistency in ESG frameworks to foster responsible investment, promote human rights, and advance sustainable development goals.
Inputs for the analytical study on the impact of loss and damage from the adverse effects of climate change on the full enjoyment of human rights, pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution 53/6 on human rights and climate change
31 January 2024
The adverse impacts of climate related loss & damage on human rights in the Global South require concrete actions. Our submission shows that a just and fair green transition requires protecting human rights while prioritizing the needs of developing countries, especially by providing climate finance, access to green tech and integrating human rights in climate actions.
See the inputs provided by South Centre to an upcoming study by the UN Secretary-General. The study will be presented to the Human Rights Council in September 2024.