Board and Council

The South Centre Council of Representatives

All Member Countries of the South Centre are represented by a high-level Representative in the Council of Representatives.

The Council is the highest governing body of the South Centre. It reviews the work programme presented by the Executive Director and the budgets and accounts presented by the Board. The Council gives the Executive Director, the Board Members and the Board Chairperson general advice and specific recommendations to guide the activities of the South Centre.

The Council also appoints the nine Board Members and elects the South Centre’s Chairperson.

Chairperson of the South Centre Board

The Board is made up of nine members, plus the Chairperson, all highly distinguished individuals from the South. They act in their personal capacity and not as representatives of their countries. The Chairperson and the Board Members, who work pro bono, manage and direct the Centre. They are responsible to the Member Countries  through the Council of Representatives.

The Chairperson is elected for a three-year term by the Council of Representatives. The Chair is elected from among nominated candidates known for their independence of mind, meritorious experience, intellectual ability and leadership qualities.

To date, the South Centre’s Chairpersons have been:

2018- Thabo Mvuyelwa MBEKI South Africa
2006-2018 Benjamin William MKAPA United Republic of Tanzania
2003-2006 Boutros BOUTROS-GHALI Egypt
2002-2003 Gamani COREA Sri Lanka
2000-2002 (a.i.) Luis Fernando JARAMILLO Colombia
1995-1999 Mwalimu Julius K. NYERERE United Republic of Tanzania

Board Members of the South Centre

Board members are appointed by the Council of Representatives for three-year terms. The Chairperson and the Board direct and supervise the operation of the South Centre and its Secretariat, and approve its activities and work programme. They are in charge of approving the financial management of the South Centre, the fund-raising programme, the budget and the yearly audited accounts. The Board normally meets twice a year.

Its Chairperson and Members, as well as the Convenor of the Council of Representatives are in permanent contact, with the Secretariat serving as a nodal point.

The current Board Members are:

2016-present Hailong WU China
2016-present Evelyne TALL Senegal
2019-present Carina VANCE Ecuador
2020-present Mohandas PAI India
2021-present Penina Oniviel MLAMA Tanzania
2021-present Cristovam BUARQUE Brazil
2023-present Leonel FERNÁNDEZ REYNA Dominican Republic
2023-present Siti Nugraha MAULUDIAH Indonesia
2024-present Mohamed EDREES Egypt



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