Antibiotic resistance—and the broader antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – is a silent but major killer. In fact it is emerging as the most serious threat to global health, with experts warning of a “post-antibiotics apocalypse”.
This special issue of South Bulletin focuses on the AMR crisis, especially on how it affects developing countries—and the great challenges on fighting this threat.
The year 2017 is fast ending and a new year 2018 will soon be starting: a good time to take stock. The past year was dominated by President Trump of the United States, who put his stamp on world affairs in many ways. He offended allies and foes alike, while catering to his voter base. The changes he made to US policies on the UN, climate change, trade and (as the year ended) on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, changed the world in many ways. Developing countries, affected in 2017, are worried what next will change in 2018.
Need for South to use policy space to expand access to medicines
Access to medicines has recently been a major topic of intense discussion at various forums. Representatives of developing countries and leaders of civil society and experts are advocating that more policy space and political empathy be given to countries of the South (as well as to people in the North) so that they can make use of flexibilities in the IP regimes and provide medicines at affordable prices.
A new protectionist threat: the US “border adjustment” tax
A new protectionist device, the US “border adjustment” tax, is being planned that could devastate the exports of developing countries and cause American and other foreign companies to relocate. The first article explains the complexities and implications of this proposed measure. The major question of whether such a measure will violate the rules of the WTO is examined in the second article. (more…)
Shocks for developing countries from President Trump’s first weeks
Mr. Donald Trump’s first weeks as US President have sent shockwaves around the world, and it is the developing countries that will be most affected. (more…)
Big support for UN Access to Medicines High Level Panel’s Report
There is an urgent need not only to support but to undertake follow up activities relating to the recently released report of the UN Secretary General’s high level panel on access to medicines. (more…)
Non-Aligned Movement Summit re-asserts its relevance in a turbulent world
The 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Venezuela in mid-September 2016 was an occasion to reflect on the movement’s history and to reaffirm its relevance in a world of great political and economic turbulence. It adopted two documents which are remarkable for their comprehensiveness, showing the consensus of 120 countries for positions in a wide range of issues. It faces the challenge of maintaining these positions in negotiations in the years ahead, and converting some of them into action. (more…)
UNCTAD XIV succeeds in renewing UNCTAD mandate, after tough negotiations
Once in four years, UNCTAD holds a Conference to review the global situation and to set out UNCTAD’s work for the next four years. UNCTAD XIV, held in Nairobi in July, renewed the UNCTAD mandates but only after long negotiations where developing countries under the G77 and China had to fight hard to resist attempts to dilute UNCTAD’s work. (more…)
The Right to Development at 30: Looking Back and Forwards
The Right to Development has had great resonance with people worldwide since it was adopted by the UN General Assembly 30 years ago. It establishes the right of people to take part in the development process and to equitably enjoy the benefits of development. Today this right is even more relevant, as the world faces manifold crises. (more…)
The world is facing multiple crises in public health, from how to cope with new and old epidemics and the explosive cost of new medicines, to the threats from antimicrobial resistance. These issues were discussed at the WHO’s World Health Assembly held in Geneva. This issue of South Bulletin focuses on the WHA and health issues. (more…)
Improving Access to Medicines: What needs to be done
This South Bulletin provides a summary of the South Centre’s three submissions to the UN Secretary General’s High-level Panel on Access to Medicines on some of the key actions that need to be taken to strengthen the access to medicines for people in developing countries: (more…)
Foreign Investment, Investment Treaties and Development: Myths & Realities
The growing debate on investment agreements has underscored the importance of understanding the nature and effects of foreign investment. The issues of FDI, investment treaties and development are examined in this South Bulletin. (more…)