Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

SC Statement to WHA 76, 22 May 2023

Opening Statement of the South Centre to the Seventy-Sixth World Health Assembly

22 May 2023

The South Centre, the intergovernmental organization of developing countries, appreciates the opportunity to address this World Health Assembly (WHA).

This Assembly will take many important decisions.


AMR Virtual Workshop, 28 & 29 March 2023

Antimicrobial Resistance, pharmaceuticals and environment

South Centre Virtual Workshop, 28 & 29 March 2023, 2:30-4:30 PM CET 

The emergence and spread of resistant genes and pathogens among and between humans, animals and the environment is a global threat. Join to learn and share how civil society is tackling these issues and how to elicit ways such efforts might seed or scale more broadly such action.

This workshop is organized with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Commission.


South Centre Annual Report 2022

South Centre Annual Report 2022

Read the South Centre Annual Report 2022 for an analysis of the situation faced by our members & other developing countries & for a summary of the Centre’s activities in 2022.


LAC AMR meeting, 3,17,18 November 2022

Latin American and Caribbean Meeting: Communities Empowered to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

Organizers: Pan American Health Organization, ReAct Latin America, the Global Health Consortium of the Florida International University, South Centre

This dialogue involving civil society, non-governmental organizations, academics, international organizations, and governments seeks to capture, share, and learn from the experience of different communities in infection prevention and control and the appropriate use of antimicrobials and draw relevant lessons on how to better engage communities and enable their active participation in addressing AMR.

Dates: 3-17-18 November 2022


Vacancy Announcement

Vacancy Announcement:

Consultant / Antimicrobial Resistance

The South Centre is seeking to fill a consultancy position to support its activities in the area of tackling antimicrobial resistance in developing countries.


Policy Brief 114, 19 October 2022

Reducing the Unnecessary Use of Antimicrobials in Animal Farming

By Dr. Viviana Muñoz Tellez

Antimicrobial resistance is aggravated due to excessive and inappropriate use of antimicrobials in human and animal health and in plant and animal agriculture. While international standards are being developed, governments are rolling out regulations with the aim to curb the overuse and misuse of antimicrobials, to preserve their efficacy for as long as possible. This Policy Brief discusses two new regulations introduced by the European Union (EU) on medicated animal feed (Regulation (EU) 2019/4 and veterinary medicinal products (Regulation (EU) 2019/6) that entered into effect on 28 January 2022. As part of the implementation of the regulations, the EU should devise a comprehensive plan to help implementation by countries and producers of animal food products of the Global South, linked to supporting the transition to sustainable agricultural systems and development.


Call to Apply for Financial Support for Civil Society Advocacy during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) 2022

The South Centre invites applications from the members of the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) and other civil society organizations or research institutions from developing countries for limited financial funding (maximum 2000 USD per campaign) to design and launch campaigns or support continuing advocacy efforts at the sides of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022.


Comments on Draft Annotated Outline of WHO Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness & Response, 24 June 2022

South Centre Comments on the Draft Annotated Outline of a WHO Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

24 June 2022

The South Centre welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the draft annotated outline of a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Comments are provided with respect to the process and the content.


South Centre & ReAct Webinar, 21 June 2022

The Silent Pandemic of AMR: New Opportunities for Global Action?
21 June 2022 2-2:45 PM CEST
Will the new international instrument offer opportunities for a stronger response to AMR? What are we learning from national experiences from developing countries?


Policy Brief 111, 13 May 2022

Advancing Global Response to Antimicrobial Resistance: Examining Current Global Initiatives

By Mirza Alas

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a severe ongoing crisis threatening our health systems. Since adopting the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR in 2015, there has been progress, particularly in improving awareness, surveillance and implementation of infection, prevention, and control measures. However, there has been a slower response related to optimizing the use of antimicrobials in the animal sector and actions related to the environment. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has also undermined the implementation of activities to address AMR, including shifting resources to other areas and deprioritizing responses to AMR due to the ongoing pandemic. While national-level actions are at the core of the AMR response, given its global nature and impact, there is broad recognition of the need to ensure that national efforts are complemented with measures at the global level. Examining global initiatives to address AMR and how they can be strengthened to accelerate action is critical to better understand the importance of global coordination and increasing investment to close the gaps that remain.



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