Zhaoxing LI (Board Member, 2008-present)

Zhaoxing LI, China, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of China was born in Shandong Province in October 1940.

He graduated from the Beijing University in 1964. He continued his post graduate studies at the Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages until 1967.

Mr. Li, joined the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs in 1967, and was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2003, in which position he served until April 2007.

In his distinguished diplomatic career of over 4 decades, Mr. Li has accumulated rich experience in international, political and economic affairs. He has made significant contribution to the cause of South-South cooperation.

In his early years as career diplomat, he was posted to Kenya and Lesotho, where he established life-long friendship with the people from developing countries, especially from Africa. During his term as Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations, he engaged actively in the consultations and coordination with the Group of 77 and other developing countries, playing an important role in promoting solidarity, protecting common interests and resolving concerns of developing countries.

As the Foreign Minister of China, he promoted South-South cooperation, consolidated and deepened the friendship between China and other developing countries. China initiated the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and adopted many important measures to assist developing countries under this framework, which has become milestones of the cooperation between China and other developing countries.  Mr. Li also played an important role in this field.