Messages Celebrating 25 Years of the South Centre, December 2020

Messages Celebrating 25 Years of the South Centre

The South Centre is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year. The Centre was established by an Intergovernmental Agreement which came into force on 31 July 1995. Its predecessor, the South Commission, recognized the need to strengthen South-South cooperation in international affairs. In its report The Challenge to the South, the South Commission emphasized the need for countries of the South to work together at the global level. That is why the Commission recommended the creation of a South organization charged with undertaking this challenge. The South Centre, an independent intergovernmental think-tank of developing countries, was then created to analyze the development problems of the developing countries, encourage them to value and share their common experience and provide intellectual and policy support for them to act collectively and individually, particularly at the international level.

This document compiles the messages received from the Missions in Geneva of Member States of the South Centre and other communications received concerning the 25 years celebration. The South Centre is very grateful for the warm wishes and pledges of continued support expressed in these messages, and reaffirms its commitment to remain at the service of its Member States and the South at large.


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