
Research Paper 73, February 2017

Inequality, Financialization and Stagnation

The failure of exceptional monetary measures pursued in response to the financial crisis in advanced economies to achieve a strong recovery has created a widespread concern that these economies suffer from a chronic demand gap and face the prospect of stagnation.  This paper reviews and discusses the alternative views on the causes of the slowdown in accumulation and growth and the policies implemented and proposed to deal with it. (more…)

Reprint Series 1 on Financial Liberalization, December 2012

Financial Liberalization: The Key Issues.

In recent years financial policies in both industrial and developing countries have put increased emphasis on the market mechanism. Liberalization was partly a response to developments in the financial markets themselves: as these markets innovated to get round the restrictions placed on them, governments chose to throw in the towel. More important, however, governments embraced liberalization as a doctrine. (more…)

Research Paper 10, November 2006

Market Power, Price Formation and Primary Commodities.

There has been widespread concern for many years over the very abstract nature of orthodox economic theory, especially that of the neo-classical school which has dominated the profession since the late 19th century. Such disquiet is frequently felt among non-economists, but a great many dissident economists have also expressed their disquiet over the years. (more…)