
Analytical Note, August 2006

The Development Dimension of the GATS Domestic Regulation Negotiations.

This Analytical Note discusses the implications GATS Article VI: 4 disciplines can have on developing countries and least developed countries and their pursuit for development through domestic regulations. (more…)

Research Paper 6, April 2006

Considering gender and the WTO services negotiations.

The objective of this paper is to raise awareness amongst trade negotiators from developing and least developed countries of the inter-relationship between gender and trade in services issues. The context is the negotiations within the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO). (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2006

South Centre Analysis on the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration.

The South Centre Analysis of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration evaluates the developments in the Doha Work Programme since the launch of the Round, examines the implications of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration and identifies some important strategic issues for developing countries that need to be considered in subsequent negotiation. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2005

Hong Kong Ministerial Conference: Bottom Lines for LDCs in the GATS Negotiations.

This analytical note aims to assist least developed countries (LDCs) participate more actively in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) negotiations leading up to the Sixth Hong Kong Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation in December 2005 by (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2005

Hong Kong Ministerial Conference: Bottom Lines for Developing Countries in the GATS Negotiations.

In the lead up to the Sixth Hong Kong Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation in December 2005, developing countries have an interest to define their outcomes for the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2005

Issues of Interest to LDCs in the WTO Services Negotiations – Series No 3: Emergency Safeguard Mechanism.

The negotiations on Article X on an Emergency Safeguard Mechanism (ESM) of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) were initiated after the establishment of the GATS at the end of the Uruguay Round of negotiations in 1995. (more…)

Analytical Note, June 2005

Issues of Interest to LDCs in the WTO Services Negotiations – Series No. 2: Telecommunications Services.

The telecommunications sector is of crucial importance in every economy. Almost every other sector of an economy depends on telecommunications services in their economic activity. Most businesses today rely to a great extent on data transmission by information and communication technologies for their operations – in other words, functioning without telecommunications services is inconceivable for most business operations. (more…)

Analytical Note, June 2005

Checklist of Questions for the Analysis of Revised Offers.

As the May deadline has passed, Members are in the process of submitting their revised offers within the context of current GATS negotiations. At the time of writing this note, the US, Canada, EC and Australia had submitted their revised offers. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2005

GATS Mode 4 Negotiations and Low Skilled Workers.

This note considers the interest of least developed country (LDC) Members to participate in the market access negotiations of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The request and offer process of negotiations begins appropriately with the submittal of an initial request. (more…)

Analytical Note, January 2005

Classification in Services: An Overview of the Main Issues for Developing Countries.

The main objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the main issues related to classification within the context of the services negotiations and to assist developing countries in understanding the implications. (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2004

Analysis of Actual Liberalisation Versus Quad Members GATS Commitments and Offers: Focus on a) Mode 1 and b) Tourism and Travel Related Services.

This note is focused on two areas: a) mode 1 or cross-border supply of trade in services, and b) the tourism and travel related services sector. The goal of this exercise is to assess whether GATS commitments made by a few of the most developed service economies, i.e. Quad members, can be considered “weak”, below actual levels of liberalisation and occurring outside of the WTO GATS regime. (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2004

Issues of Interest to LDCs in the WTO Services Negotiations – Series No. 1: Tourism and Travel-Related Services.

The specific goal of this primer on the tourism and travel-related services sector (hereinafter referred to as “tourism services”) is to provide LDCs with both basic information pertaining to economic activity of the sector and insights of the GATS negotiations related to the sector. (more…)