Tax Incentives

SouthViews No. 270, 26 July 2024

Honduras’ Tax Justice Law: Increasing tax collection to achieve the SDGs without increasing tax rates

By Abdul Muheet Chowdhary, Kuldeep Sharma and Kolawole Omole

In April 2023, the government of Honduras submitted a tax reform bill called the “Tax Justice Law” to the National Congress through which it intends to reform the Honduran tax system with potential for improved revenue collection, that too, without introducing new taxes or increasing tax rates. The law aims at Constitutional recognition that tax collection must be progressive, change the principle of taxation from territorial to worldwide taxation of income, introduce Ultimate Beneficial Ownership requirements that inter alia aim to repeal bearer shares, facilitate exchange of information with other jurisdictions, eliminate banking secrecy for tax purposes, implement credit method in domestic legislation to eliminate double taxation, amend the Constitution so as to limit tax exemptions to a maximum period of 10 years, restore transfer pricing audits to check abusive claim of tax incentives and eliminate the possibility of forgiving tax debts. The provisions contained in the Tax Justice Law are timely and welcome, particularly in light of the Global Minimum Tax. They can improve government revenues, reduce public debt and create the fiscal space for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


Tax Cooperation Policy Brief No. 35, 18 August 2023

The GloBE Rules: Challenges for Developing Countries and Smart Policy Options to Protect Their Tax Base

By Emmanuel Eze, Sol Picciotto, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmed, Abdul Muheet Chowdhary, Bob Michel and Tommaso Faccio

The OECD global minimum tax of 15%, known as the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules, have meant that developing countries need to consider what policy responses to take to ensure they collect the minimum tax and not cede it to developed countries. One option being promoted by the OECD is the “Qualified Domestic Minimum Top Up Tax” (QDMTT), with the claim that it will help developing countries collect the minimum tax of 15%. This Policy Brief points out that under the QDMTT MNEs can still pay zero taxes, it does not guarantee tax collection, it is complex to administer, it curtails national sovereignty in the form of the “peer review” mechanism and it is relevant mainly for tax havens which are destinations of profit shifting. The Brief then outlines policy options relevant for developing countries, namely Alternative Minimum Taxes (AMTs) and reform of tax incentives.
