Statement by the South Centre at the 57th Session of the Human Rights Council on “Realizing the right to development: The case for a United Nations framework convention on international tax cooperation”
September 2024
At the 57th session of the Human Rights Council, South Centre outlined the possible content of protocols to the United Nations Tax Convention for taxing Illicit Financial Flows & Digital Services.
Ongoing Negotiation of a Pandemic Accord: South Centre’s Intervention to WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
18 September 2024
We are pleased to be participating in the morning open sessions of the World Health Organization Intergovernmental Negotiating Body’s 11th meeting for the negotiation of a pandemic instrument. See our intervention on 18 September 2024.
South Centre Statement at the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Group of 77 and China in Geneva
13 September 2024
The South Centre participated in the 60th Anniversary of the Group of 77 and China and strongly reaffirmed our commitment to supporting the Global South countries in meeting common challenges for achieving prosperity & sustainable development.
Statement by the South Centre on the Adoption of the Draft Terms of Reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation
August 2024
The South Centre welcomes the adoption of the draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation (UNFCITC). The UNFCITC can establish a fair and equitable international tax system for developing countries.
South Centre Statement to the Sixty-Fifth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO (2024)
10 July 2024
At the WIPO Assemblies 2024, the South Centre calls for rapid adherence to the WIPO Treaty on IP, Genetic Resources & Associated Traditional Knowledge, for the revision in this regard of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, for advancing the agenda on copyright L&Es and for upholding the WIPO Development Agenda.
Cuba should be immediately removed from the List of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism
South Centre Statement
13 June 2024
The United States of America Department of State maintains Cuba on a list that designates states that supposedly “sponsor” terrorism.
The South Centre notes with concern the continued inclusion of the Republic of Cuba on such a List, which identifies governments that actively support violent non-state actors involved in terrorist activities.
Statement on the Amendment to the International Health Regulations
We congratulate the WHO members for the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations to advance equity in access to health products, increase collaboration and finance to develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities. Efforts must continue to finalise a pandemic treaty.
A critical week for global health with the 77th session of the World Health Assembly. For decision, the future of the pandemic instrument and IHR amendment negotiations.
25 May 2024
On the sidelines of the 77th session of the World Health Assembly
There is a need for a stronger and more effective WHO, which should be at the centre of norm-setting and moral guidance. NAM can play a key role in shaping the global health agenda. As in the past, the South Centre remains ready to support NAM efforts in this field.
Member States Statements at the 24th Meeting of the Council of Representatives of the South Centre
Geneva, 18 April 2024
This document includes the statement made by H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Chairman of the South Centre Board under agenda item 5 of the meeting “Statement by the Chairman of the Board of the South Centre”, the report made by Dr. Carlos Correa, Executive Director of the South Centre under agenda item 4 “Activities and finances of the South Centre: Report by the Executive Director”, the closing remarks made by H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar, Convenor of the Council of Representatives of the South Centre, and also interventions made by member countries at the meeting under agenda item 8 “General Statements from Representatives”.