Climate Policy Brief 20, February 2018

Overview of outcomes of the November  2017 UNFCCC climate talks

The annual climate change talks under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol (KP) and the Paris Agreement (PA) took place in Bonn, Germany, on 6-18 November 2017, ending a day later than scheduled due to last-minute wrangling among Parties, mainly over issues related to finance.

There were many decisions taken at the end of the talks but the main outcome of the 23rd meeting of the UNFCCC’s Conference of the Parties (COP 23) was the adoption of what was called by the Presidency the “Fiji Momentum for Implementation” (also referred to as decision 1/CP.23).

Download the policy brief below:

Overview of outcomes of the November 2017 UNFCCC climate talks


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