PIJIP Call for Research Proposals, April 2021

Right to Research in International Copyright


American University Washington College of Law Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property

The American Network on the Right to Research in International Copyright is calling for papers relevant to the development of global norms on copyright policy in its application to research. Text and data mining research, for example, is contributing insights to respond to urgent social problems, from combatting COVID to monitoring hate speech and disinformation on social media. Other technologies make it possible to access the materials of libraries, archives and museums from afar – an especially necessary activity during the COVID pandemic. But these and other research activities may require reproduction and sharing of copyright protected works, including across borders. There is a lack of global norms for such activities, which may contribute to uncertainty and apprehension, inhibiting research projects and collaborations.  The problem of access to copyrighted works through libraries and educational institutions is especially serious in the South.

For more information: https://www.wcl.american.edu/impact/initiatives-programs/pijip/impact/right-to-research-in-international-copyright/call-for-research-proposals/


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