Bali Road Map

Research Paper 89, November 2018

History and Politics of Climate Change Adaptation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

By Harjeet Singh and Indrajit Bose

This research paper provides a perspective on how climate change adaptation has progressed in the multilateral space, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It describes adaptation and financial institutions under the climate regime and the current scope of their activities. The paper highlights the challenges that lie ahead, particularly around financing, for developing countries to adapt to a rapidly warming world and presents recommendations for the governments to accord higher priority to adaptation.


Climate Policy Brief 8, November 2012

Identifying Outcomes that Promote the Interests of Developing Countries at COP 18.

Developing countries have long been at the frontlines of climate change and bearing the brunt of its impacts on sustainable development prospects and even, in many cases, physical survival and territorial integrity. These underscore the need for global cooperation and action on climate change. (more…)

South Centre Submissions on Green Climate Fund, June 2011

South Centre Submissions on Setting up the Green Climate Fund in UNFCCC.

A Transition Committee under the UNFCCC is discussing the design of a Green Climate Fund to operate under the Climate Convention. The South Centre is taking part in the Committee’s meetings as an Observer Organisation. In June 2011, the South Centre made four written submissions on the themes of the four Workstreams of the Committee. (more…)

Research Paper 39, May 2011

Operationalizing the UNFCCC Finance Mechanism.

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have recognized the need to “urgently enhance implementation of the Convention in order to achieve its ultimate objective in full accordance with its principles and commitments” (Preamble, Bali Action Plan). (more…)

Climate Policy Brief 5, March 2011

Complex Implications of the Cancun Climate Conference.

The 2010 climate conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which took place in Cancun (Mexico) on 29 November to 11 December was complex in both process and content, and in both aspects it will have an importance and ramifications that will take several years to unfold. (more…)

Statement, 10 December 2010

Statement at the UNFCCC Climate Conference (COP16, CMP6), Cancun

As an inter-governmental organisation with 51 developing countries, the South Centre is very pleased to be participating in the COP16 and CMP6 in Cancun. Climate change is among the top priorities for the Centre as we believe that it poses a threat to the global environment as well as to development prospects in developing countries. (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2009

A development-oriented approach in making ¨Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable¨operational.

This Analytical Note looks at how MRV metrics and modalities in relation to paragraphs 1(b)(i) and (ii) of the UNFCCC Bali Action Plan (BAP) can be made operational in ways that reflect the primary sustainable development concerns and perspectives of developing country Parties to the UNFCCC. (more…)

Paper on Bali Action Plan Negotiations Under the UNFCCC, November 2009

Options on Possible Forms of the Agreed Outcome of the Bali Action Plan Negotiations Under the UNFCCC

This document seeks to outline the positive and constraining aspects of various options relating to the possible forms that the agreed outcome of the AWG-LCA process could result in, consistent with its mandate under the Bali Action Plan to enhance the full, sustained and effective implementation of the UNFCCC “now, up to and beyond 2012”. (more…)

Paper on Carbon-Based Competitiveness, Trade and Climate Change, October 2009

Carbon-Based Competitiveness, Trade and Climate Change: Perspectives of Developing Countries.

This paper analyses a number of issues raised by the increasing links between the global trade and climate agendas such as tariff liberalisation on green technologies, the use of low carbon standards, intellectual property rights and border adjustment measures. The paper examines these issues from the perspectives of developing countries focusing on the political and economic considerations that underlie them. (more…)

Analytical Note, January 2009

Developed country climate financing initiatives weaken the UNFCCC.

This Analytical Note looks at the level and delivery vehicles of public financing for climate change actions in developing countries from developed country Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (i.e. the Parties listed in Annex I of the Convention). (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2008

¨Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable¨: Using the UNFCCC’s Existing MRV Mechanisms in the Context of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action Under the Convention.

This South Centre Analytical Note suggests that the modalities for the “measurable, reportable, and verifiable” (MRV) conditions under operative paragraph 1(b)(i) and (ii) of the Bali Action Plan should be the existing MRV modalities with respect to mitigation commitments, financing, technology transfer, and capacity-building under the Convention. (more…)