Doha Development Round

Analytical Note, November 2011

Special and Differential Treatment Negotiations: State of Play and Proposed Language for WTO’s MC8.

There has been some but not a significant amount of progress made on the Special and Differential Treatment negotiations mandated in the Doha Declaration (para 44) for developing countries. This paper provides an overview of: (more…)

Policy Brief 7, November 2011

The Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health Ten Years Later: The State of Implementation.

The Declaration on the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Public Health was adopted on 14 November 2001 by the 4th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting at Doha, Qatar. (more…)

Analytical Note, April 2011

Present Situation of the WTO Doha Talks and Comments on the 21 April 2011 Documents.

Although Doha started as a “Development Agenda” with a pledge that developing countries‟ interests would be at the centre, ironically there is hardly any development content left in the Doha elements. The WTO released on 21 April 2011, a 600-page package providing an overview of the last 10 years of Doha negotiations. The following papers provide analysis of this overall package. (more…)

Research Paper 30, May 2010

Analysis of the Doha Negotiations and the Functioning Of the World Trade Organization.

This paper discusses the principles and scope of activities of the world trade organization, addresses the imbalances in the existing rules and the problems faced by developing countries. Then it elaborated on various specific issues such as, the “Singapore issues”, labour and environmental standards, the “development issues”, market access negotiations and, at last, its functioning in decision-making system.


Analytical Note, November 2009

Comparing the Special Safeguard Provision (SSG) and the Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM): Special and Differential Treatment for Whom?.

The Special Safeguard Provision (SSG) in the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture is an instrument that is regularly used by a number of developed countries to protect their agricultural sector. Most developing countries do not have access to the SSG. (more…)

Policy Brief 20, November 2009

State of Play of the GATS Negotiations: Are Developing Countries Benefiting?.

This paper provides an overview of the state of play in the GATS negotiations, both covering the market access negotiations, as well as the rules negotiations. (more…)

Policy Brief 18, November 2009

Is Development Back in the Doha Round?.

As trade ministers prepare to assemble November 30 in Geneva for further WTO talks, they are hearing another round of new and refurbished projections of how much wealthier the world might be after liberalizing trade.  (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2008

Controversial Points in the Discussion on Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) in the Doha Round.

The Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) is often quoted as one of the main controversial points that lead to the failure to the WTO mini-ministerial process in July 2008. Technical divergences relate to key aspects of the design and operation of the mechanism but also strong political divergences among exporters and importers. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2008

Financing for development from Monterrey to Doha.

This Analytical Note evaluates how far the commitments contained in the 2002 Monterrey Consensus were fulfilled. It also examines the adequacy of the Monterrey Consensus as a framework for guiding international policy decisions and actions in current circumstances, (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2008

Promoting the Development of the South in the Trade and Climate Regimes.

This South Centre Analytical Note stresses that addressing the challenges of development and climate change requires an integrated approach. Both the trade and climate regimes have a role to play. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2007

EPA Negotiations in Southern Africa: Some Issues of Concern.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges related to the EPA negotiations in the SADC region, particularly with respect to Market Access and regional integration, Agriculture, and trade in Services. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2006

The Suspension of the WTO DDA Negotiations: Scenarios and identification of pressure points for Developing Countries.

This note identifies some opportunities and challenges that the suspension of the WTO Doha negotiations has created for developing countries. In fact, an early identification of pressure points in the negotiations can contribute to the preparedness of developing country delegations for the time negotiations resume. (more…)