Equity Principle

Research Paper 33, November 2010

The Equitable Sharing of Atmospheric and Development Space: Some Critical Aspect.

This Research Paper aims to contribute to the discussion on the issues of environment, development and equity that are at the centre of the climate, development and equity nexus. (more…)

Press Release, 27 April 2010

Ministers of BASIC Countries (Brazil, China, India, South Africa) Stress Primacy of United Nations as a Forum for Climate Negotiations and that the World Cannot Wait Indefinitely for The United States to Act on Climate Change.

At their third meeting that took place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 25 to 26 April 2010, the ministers in charge of climate change negotiations from the BASIC countries (Brazil, China, India, and South Africa) stressed their determination to have their countries “continue to show leadership in acting on climate change.” (more…)

Informal Note on the Copenhagen Accord, January 2010

Comments on the Copenhagen Accord

This Informal Note analyzes the Copenhagen Accord in terms of its legal nature and its substantive content, outlines important issues and concerns for the consideration of developing countries in the context of the UNFCCC negotiations and their development implications, and identifies some options that developing countries may consider in the context of their future action in relation to the Copenhagen Accord. (more…)

Policy Brief 16, September 2009

International Trade and Climate Change.

The Waxman – Markey bill recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives envisages certain measures to restrict carbon dioxide emissions and requires the president to levy a charge on imports of carbon-intensive products from countries that do not adopt similar climate change measures. U.S. importers would have to buy carbon “allowances” for such products, purportedly for maintaining a level playing ground between domestic and overseas producers. (more…)