Transforming the Non-Military Structures of Global Governance
Assessing Priorities for Chapter 5 of the Pact for the Future
By Harris Gleckman, PhD
Published by South Centre and Transnational Institute
The complex web of challenges confronting humanity – climate change, pandemics, economic inequality, and violent conflict – demands a robust global governance system. However, the current architecture, centred on the United Nations, is widely considered inadequate. This document delves into this debate, analysing proposed reforms for the UN system in the Summit of the Future context. At the centre of the discussion is the need for an update to the UN System, particularly strengthening its effectiveness, efficiency, and democratic representation. The document recognises the need for prioritisation, focusing on reforms that tackle the “triple crisis” – climate change, inequality, and conflict – while remaining politically achievable. The document also highlights the disconnect between economic and political institutions, arguing for a more unified approach. Reform proposals encompass a wide spectrum, including institutional changes, consultative practices, decision-making rules and financing. The reforms proposed aim to empower the UN to take decisive action on pressing global issues, looking at past reform efforts, assessing the feasibility of current proposals, and prioritising those most likely to yield tangible results. This publication aims to serve as a roadmap for navigating the complexities of UN reform and providing a comprehensive overview of proposed changes towards shaping a more effective and democratic global governance system for the future.
The Global Digital Compact we need for people and the planet
by Anita Gurumurthy, Nandini Chami, Shreeja Sen, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf of IT for Change
The Zero Draft of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) to be adopted at the Summit of the Future is crucial to international digital cooperation under a transformative vision of global digital governance. It should identify the means for achieving equitable participation, sustainable development, gender equality, increased local capacity, public ownership of core digital infrastructure and address the concentration of power in the digital economy. This SouthViews considers some of the shortcomings of the draft GDC, particularly in attaining equitable international data governance and democratic participation in a digital multistakeholder scenario to avoid data monopolies and ensure inclusive policy-making processes, while recentering the objectives of Internet governance for inclusive and development-oriented information societies.
Panel During the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) e-Week
“Overcoming the fragmentation of digital governance: what role for the Global Digital Compact and e-trade rules?”
Co-organized by the South Centre (SC) and the University of St. Gallen
7 December 2023
Geneva, Switzerland
Multipartisme: est-ce bon pour les pays en développement?
Par Harris Gleckman
Publié par South Centre et Institut Transnational
Résumé exécutif:
Multistakeholderismo: ¿Es bueno para los países en desarrollo?
Por Harris Gleckman
Publicado por South Centre y Instituto Transnacional
Resumen ejecutivo:
Public Dialogue
Multistakeholderism and UN 2.0: Challenges and Alternatives for Developing Countries
08 November 2023 | 15:30 CET
Online Participation – Zoom
Co-organized by the South Centre and the Transnational Institute
Multistakeholderism: Is it good for developing countries?
By Harris Gleckman
Published by South Centre and Transnational Institute
Executive Summary:
Public Workshop
Multistakeholderism and UN 2.0: Challenges and Alternatives for Developing Countries
7 September 2023 | 10:00 – 11:30 EDT
Co-organized By the South Centre and the Transnational Institute
Co-sponsored by Corporate Accountability and ESCR NET, Peoples´ Working Group on Multistakeholderism
This Public Workshop will discuss the findings of a new report commissioned jointly by South Centre and The Transnational Institute (TNI) and elaborated by Prof. Harris Gleckman on the idea of the increasing role of ‘multistakeholderism’ in making key policy and programmatic decisions in the context of the United Nations and other fora. The workshop will also serve as an opportunity to discuss the recommendations on how to deal with multistakeholderism and its risks for global governance and the participation of developing countries.
This event is designed as an open forum to foster dialogue and share views among representatives of the Group of 77 and China, particularly those based in Geneva and New York, and civil society organizations.
The public forum will be held in a hybrid format.
Online Policy Dialogue on the Impacts of ‘Multistakeholderism’ on Multilateral Governance
2 June 2022 | 14:30 – 16:00 CEST
The South Centre and the Transnational Institute, with the support of the Peoples’ Working Group on Multistakeholderism (PWGM), are co-organizing an online policy dialogue with developing countries’ representatives in Geneva and New York and civil society organizations to discuss the characteristic, impact and challenges that multistakeholderism brings to day-to-day multilateral governance.
Making the UN Tax Committee’s Subcommittees More Effective for Developing Countries
By Abdul Muheet Chowdhary, Sebastien Babou Diasso, and Aaditri Solankii
New United Nations (UN) Tax Committee Members have been appointed by the UN Secretary-General and among them 13 out of 25 are from developing countries. The Committee sets international tax standards, vital for financing for development, and works mainly through its Subcommittees. However, an unhealthy trend over time has been the disproportionate involvement of business representatives in the Subcommittees, which can be harmful for promoting the interests of developing countries. This policy brief examines this trend and outlines some of the tools available to developing countries to promote their interests in the Subcommittees.