Submission on IP Policy and AI, February 2020
Submission by the South Centre to the Draft Issues Paper on Intellectual Property Policy and Artificial Intelligence (WIPO/IP/AI/2/GE(20/1)
The South Centre welcomes the opportunity to submit to the WIPO Secretariat input on the draft issues paper on intellectual property policy (IP) and artificial intelligence (AI). The South Centre hereby provides recommendations for the revised Issues Paper. The aim of the Issues Paper should be to provide a framework for informed discussion among Member States on the topic of IP policy and AI, without pre-empting the substance of such discussion, and to complement a process of sharing of views and experiences between different Member States and constituencies. The Development Agenda should also be mainstreamed into the discussion of IP policy and AI.
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This article was tagged: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Capacity Building, Copyright, Genetic Resources, Intellectual Property, Patent, Patentability Criteria, Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), Traditional Knowledge, WIPO, WIPO Development Agenda, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)