Extractive Industries

SouthViews No. 281, 31 January 2025

Contract-based Arbitration: Lessons Learned from Bolivia’s Extractives Industries

By Daniel Uribe Teran

Bolivia has undergone a significant shift in its approach to investment dispute resolution, moving away from reliance on Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) and international arbitration towards domestic mechanisms and contract-based arbitration. This shift, driven by a desire to assert greater state sovereignty over natural resources, seeks to align dispute resolution with national development priorities while reducing the costs associated with international arbitration. The recent Shell Bolivia Corporation v. YPF Bolivia case highlights the complexities inherent in contract-based arbitration within the extractive sector, emphasizing the need for meticulous contract drafting and a clear definition of arbitrable disputes within the framework of Bolivian law.

This article analyses Bolivia’s transition from reliance on international investment treaties and arbitration to a domestic, contract-centred approach for resolving disputes in its extractive industries. The article examines how the legal framework adopted by Bolivia highlights the role of contract-based arbitration in addressing disputes related to investment, production, technology transfer, environmental and social impacts, labour relations, and contract interpretation. The article draws lessons from other developing countries’ experience, recommending that Bolivia further strengthen its investment framework by adopting clear protection standards, prioritizing fair administrative procedures, and emphasizing domestic remedies. This approach seeks to balance attracting responsible investment with protecting state sovereignty and promoting sustainable development in Bolivia’s extractive industries.


South Centre Comments on Extractives Exclusion, 29 April 2022

South Centre Comments on Amount A: Extractives Exclusion

The South Centre today provided its comments to the OECD Inclusive Framework’s Task Force on Digital Economy (TFDE) on the Amount A: Extractives Exclusion. These rules are part of the overall OECD project on the taxation of the digitalized economy known as Pillar One. They determine the amount of a Multinational Enterprise’s (MNE) profits that will then be partially redistributed to market jurisdictions, which are expected to be largely developing countries.

Extractive Exclusion is of critical importance to developing countries as it is meant to ensure that revenues from natural resources such as mining, oil, gas, etc are excluded from the scope of the tax, known as Amount A.


Submission on Draft Agenda of the UN Tax Committee, September 2021

Comments on Draft Agenda of the UN Tax Committee

The South Centre welcomes the UN Tax Committee’s invitation of public comments into its draft agenda and four-year work plan. By engaging the public in preparing the work plan, the UN Tax Committee’s work can be more responsive to the needs of developing countries, and of UN Member States as a whole. By stating that “the goal to ensure that the Committee’s agenda is practical and relevant to developing countries and includes the most pressing challenges they face in tax policy and administration” the Committee has shown a laudable intent which is also in line with its mandate, which is to give special attention to developing countries. The South Centre offers its written comments on the three topics on which inputs have been requested. These have been prepared based on consultation with the South Centre’s Member States, which are exclusively developing countries.


Tax Cooperation Policy Brief 12, September 2020

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting in the Extractive Industries

By Danish and Daniel Uribe

Developing countries with significant natural resources have not fully utilised them for financing their development aspirations. Extractive industries and the revenue generated from their extractive activities need to constitute a larger share of domestic resource mobilisation. However, the sector remains beset with massive tax base erosion and profit shifting by large multinational companies. This policy brief therefore looks at the extractive industries, and the potential impact of their practices on the national policies and regulations in developing countries. It further also considers some current initiatives at the international level for enabling countries to obtain more revenue from natural resource extraction, and offers some observations on the policy options available to developing countries.


Report on Developing Country Forum on SSC in International Tax Matters, January 2020

Third Annual Developing Country Forum on South-South Cooperation in International Tax Matters  (Report)

The South Centre organized, in cooperation with the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Finance of India, the Third Annual Developing Country Forum on South-South Cooperation in International Tax Matters (the Forum). The Forum is an activity of the South Centre Tax Initiative (SCTI) which serves as a platform owned by developing countries to facilitate the networking and access to their officials to technical and academic resources, as well as to provide a venue for discussion among developing countries to identify collective efforts towards their participation in international tax fora and negotiations on matters of global economic governance. Discussions during the forum addressed the most relevant tax issues that may impact developing countries currently being discussed at the international level, especially in the OECD. The Forum also allowed the exchange of expertise among developing countries coming from Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa, which consolidated this space as a necessary mechanism to identify coordinated positions among developing countries towards the consolidation of a network of tax officials from developing countries and strengthening their voice in the international fora.
