Informal Note on Bali Issues, September 2013
Brief on Bali Issues; Summary Evaluation and Recommendations
The WTO Membership is looking at four mains areas for possible decisions in Bali; as of mid-September the issues have been categorized as follows, in the manner of a package:
(1) Trade facilitation
(2) Agriculture – a food-security related issue, TRQ administration, export competition.
(3) “Development issues” – the 28 Agreement-specific special and differential treatment (SDT) proposals; SDT monitoring mechanism
(4) LDC issues: Duty-free and quota-free market access for products originating from the LDCs; services waiver; cotton subsidies
This article was tagged: Agriculture, Food Security, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Ministerial Conference, Special and Differential Treatment, Subsidies, Trade Facilitation, World Trade Organization (WTO)