South Centre Semester Report, January – June 2022
South Centre Semester Report, January – June 2022
While global inequality continues to grow, developing and least developed countries face multiple crises in the context of a weak recovery from COVID-19, massive outflows of capital, decline of Official Development Assistance, monetary policy tightening, increase in food and energy prices and the impact of climate change. This document presents a brief analysis of the situation faced by South Centre’s members and other developing and least developed countries and provides a summary of the activities undertaken by the Centre in the period January – June 2022.
Download the semester report below:
South Centre Semester Report, January – June 2022
This article was tagged: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Global Health, Human Rights, Intellectual Property, International Tax Reform, Responsible Investment, South-South Cooperation, Trade, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas