Policy Brief 92, April 2021
Expanding the production of COVID-19 vaccines to reach developing countries
Lift the barriers to fight the pandemic in the Global South
By Carlos M. Correa
The unfolding of COVID-19 has shown that the international system has been unable to ensure equal access to the vaccines and other products necessary to fight the pandemic. While the need for a strong response remains obvious, proposals for scaling up the production of COVID-19 vaccines across the globe are still blocked in the World Trade Organization.
Le déroulement du COVID-19 a montré que le système international n’a pas été en mesure de garantir l’égalité d’accès aux vaccins et autres produits nécessaires pour lutter contre la pandémie. Alors que la nécessité d’une réponse forte reste évidente, les propositions visant à augmenter la production de vaccins COVID-19 dans le monde entier sont toujours bloquées à l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce.
El desarrollo del COVID-19 ha demostrado que el sistema internacional ha sido incapaz de garantizar la igualdad de acceso a las vacunas y otros productos necesarios para luchar contra la pandemia. Aunque la necesidad de una respuesta contundente sigue siendo evidente, las propuestas para aumentar la producción de vacunas contra el COVID-19 en todo el mundo siguen bloqueadas en la Organización Mundial del Comercio.
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This article was tagged: Access to Medicines, Article 73 TRIPS, Compulsory Licenses, Copyright, COVAX Facility, COVID-19, COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP), Diagnostics, Global Public Good, Industrial Designs, Innovation, Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), International Cooperation, Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMICs), Marrakesh Agreement, Pandemic, Parallel Imports, Patent, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Pharmaceuticals, Research and Development (R&D), Security Exceptions, Solidarity, South-South Cooperation, Tech Access Partnership (TAP), Technology Transfer, TRIPS, TRIPS Council, TRIPS Waiver, UN Secretary-General, Undisclosed Information, United Nations (UN), Vaccines, World Health Organization (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Trade Organization (WTO)